You may have have noticed some changes to Phonic lately. Over the past month we have been testing new UX improvement across Phonic from survey building to analysis. Today we're excited to officially ship many of these updates live, most notably our fully revamped builder.
Launching a Better Builder
Our new survey builder makes it easier than ever to quickly and easily build effective, beautiful surveys. The new builder is spit into 3 columns:
- Survey Settings is on the left, where you can change recording settings, question types, and more.
- The Question List is in the middle, where you can see all your questions and add new ones or re-order them.
- A Survey Preview is on the right, where you can see the question being currently edited without having to open a new tab.
We have also introduced the concept of staged changes. Everything in the builder auto-saves, but will not go live until you press the blue "Publish" button. This lets you preview updates before you publish them to a live survey.
Launching Topic Explorer in Beta
Unstructured text is tough to analyze. Open-ended prompts like "How did you feel about our restaurant's service?" can be answered in hundreds of different ways with varying response length, quality, topics and more. This problem is exacerbated by verbal responses, which are on average three times longer than text-based answers.
One of our goals at Phonic is to make it easy to do great research. For us that means building technology to surface insights at a glance, not just filling dashboards with extraneous charts and metrics.
This week we're also excited to launch our Topic Explorer Beta, a new way to view high level themes from survey results. After collecting results, simply click on a topic to automatically filter all of the relevant responses. Topics can be sorted based on positive/negative sentiment, the number of responses that include it or even by controversiality. You can select multiple topics to instantly view all the responses which contain these topics.
How do I enable it?
The topics tab is automatically enabled with sentiment analysis.
Lots of Other Updates
- Record audio and video prompts directly within the survey builder
- Click on a chart section or word in a word cloud to automatically filter those responses
- New Likert question type
- Add a maximum response length to audio questions
- View a device breakdown (phone/tablet/desktop) of respondents
- View how long it takes respondents to answer questions
- Bookmark individual surveys or respondents
- Filter responses by language, completion status, and other survey variables
- Edit the screen out and completion text and redirect links
- Stimuli can now be set to auto-play
- The welcome screen can be disabled, skipping straight to Q1
- Facebook Pixel integration